
Study Notes for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate - 2017

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AWS CSA 2017 Study Guide

The purpose of this guide is to share my notes taken while studying for the AWS CSA re-certification exam. I use the awesome course & other material listed below which I feel will help certification aspirants for purpose of self-study and quick revision. The course content copyrights are owned by ACloud Guru Ltd.

You can also read this on Gitbooks or Medium and download the guide in PDF format here

################# IMPORTANT NOTE #################

I prepared these notes while studying for my re-certification exam in May 2017. I haven’t kept this updated as much as I would have liked to. If you notice any changes in the AWS policies / services, please add a comment below and I’ll update this. Also, for any omissions and corrections kindly open a PR on this Github Repo

Table of Contents

Exam Blueprint

Review Exam Blueprint

The table below lists the domains measured by this examination and the extent to which they are represented

Domain % of Examination
1.0 Designing highly available, cost efficient, fault tolerant, scalable systems 60%
2.0 Implementation/Deployment 10%
3.0 Data Security 20%
4.0 Troubleshooting 10%
Total 100%

The exam is approximately 60 questions in 80 minutes. Pass marks not advertised but generally > 70%

Course Video Durations

Can help you plan your study based on your time availability.

Module # Lectures Duration
Introduction To The Course 3 29:38
AWS - 10,000 Feet Overview 6 01:19:13
Identity Access Management (IAM) 4 33:59
AWS Object Storage and CDN - S3, Glacier and CloudFront 14 02:47:10
EC2 - The Backbone of AWS 21 04:35:38
Route53 9 01:06:33
Databases on AWS 8 01:30:45
VPC 10 01:40:37
Application Services 6 43:54
Kinesis 2 15:19
The Real World - Creating a fault tolerant Word Press Site 6 01:14:55
Preparing for the Exam - White Paper Reviews 7 54:36
The Well Architected Framework 6 01:18:32
Additional Exam Tips 9 53:39

AWS 10000 Feet Overview

Global Infrastructure

The AWS Platform

Identity & Access Management

IAM 101

Critical Terms

IAM consists of the following

IAM Features

Manage AWS resources via

  1. Management console – Using username and password

  2. Rest APIs – Using Access Key ID and Secret Access Key

  3. AWS CLI - Using Access Key ID and Secret Access Key

  4. AWS SDK – various programming languages supported.

Using Access Key ID and Secret Access Key – can be used only via accessing programmatically. Akin to username and password used while accessing the console

AWS Object Storage & CDN – S3, Glacier and CloudFront

S3 101

S3 Object Storage Classes

S3 Buckets

S3 Versioning

Cross Region Replication

Lifecycle Management

CloudFront CDN Overview

Important terms

CloudFront Security.

S3 Security & Encryption



Secured using SSL/TLS

  1. Server Side

    1. S3 Managed Keys – SSE – S3

    2. AWS KMS Managed Keys – SSE – KMS – Envelop Key. Provides audit trail

    3. SSE using customer provided keys. Key Management is responsibility of user. SSE-C

  2. Client Side

Encrypt data at client side and then upload to S3.

Storage Gateway

1.[Brand New] *File Gateway (NFS) – Just store files in S3 – Word, Pictures, PDFs, and no OS. ( Saves a lot of money) -Files are stored as objects in S3 buckets and accessed over NFS mount point -File attributes as stored as S3 object metadata. -Once transferred to S3, standard S3 features apply to all files.

2.Volumes Gateway (iSCSI) – uses block based storage – virtual hard disk, operating system.

Volume gateway interface presents applications with disk volumes using iSCSI protocol. They take virtual hard disks on premise and back them up to virtual hard disks on AWS. Data written to these volumes can be asynchronously backed up as point in time snapshots of volumes and stored in cloud as EBS snapshots.

3.Gateway Virtual Tape Library (VTL) – Backup and Archiving solution. Create tapes and send to S3. You can use existing backup applications like NetBackup, Backup Exec, and Veam etc.


Next version of Import / Export Gateway

You could accelerate moving large amounts of data into and out of AWS using portable storage devices for transport. Ship the storage device – no need to transfer over the internet. Problem arose with different types of disks

Snowball Standard

Snowball Edge


Using snowball – Import / Export S3. If using Glacier first need to import into S3 and then into Snowball.

S3 Transfer Acceleration

It utilizes the CloudFront Edge Network to accelerate uploads to S3. Instead of uploading directly to S3, you can use a distinct URL to upload directly to an edge location which will then transfer to S3 using Amazon’s backbone network.

The farther you are from S3 bucket region the higher is the improvement you can observe using S3 Transfer Acceleration. High cost for usage than standard S3 transfer rates.

EC2 – The Backbone of AWS

EC2 101

EC2 Pricing

EC2 Instance Types

Sr. No Family Specialty Use Case Type
1 D2 Dense Storage File Servers / DWH / Hadoop Storage Optimized
2 R4. R3 Memory Optimized Memory Intensive / DBs Memory Optimized
3 M4. M3 General Purpose Application Servers General Purpose
4 C4, C3 Compute Optimized CPU Intensive Apps, DBs Compute O
5 G2 Graphics Intensive Video Encoding / 3D Application Streaming  
6 I2 High speed storage (IOPS) NoSQL DBs, DWH  
7 F1 Field Programmable Gate Array Hardware acceleration of Code  
8 T2 Lowest Cost, General Purpose Web Servers/ Small DBs General Purpose
9 P2 Graphics / General Purpose GPU[Parallel Processing] Machine Learning / Bit Coin Mining.  
10 X1 Memory Optimized SAP HANA / Apache Spark -

Acronym – *DIRT MCG FPX -

D – Density , I - IOPS , R – RAM , T – cheap T2, M – Main Choice ( default) – Apps, C – Compute, G – Graphics, F – FPGA , P – Graphics – Pics – Parallel Processing , X – Extreme Memory - *

Use M3 for general purpose instances – balanced compute, memory and network resources

[Exam Tip] You will be asked to provide which instance type to use for a given scenario. Usually 3 options are fictitious.

EC2 Key Pairs are region specific


SSD Drives

Magnetic Drives

EC2 Security Groups

Volumes and Snapshots

EBS Volumes

RAID, Volumes & Snapshots.

EBS backed v/s Instance store

EC2 Status Checks

There are two types of status checks: system status checks and instance status checks.

System Status Checks

Monitor the AWS systems required to use your instance to ensure they are working properly. These checks detect problems with your instance that require AWS involvement to repair. When a system status check fails, you can choose to wait for AWS to fix the issue, or you can resolve it yourself (for example, by stopping and starting an instance, or by terminating and replacing an instance).

The following are examples of problems that can cause system status checks to fail:

Instance Status Checks

Monitor the software and network configuration of your individual instance. These checks detect problems that require your involvement to repair. When an instance status check fails, typically you will need to address the problem yourself (for example, by rebooting the instance or by making instance configuration changes).

The following are examples of problems that can cause instance status checks to fail:

Load Balancers



IAM Roles for EC2

Bootstrap scripts.

EC2 Instance Meta-Data

Auto Scaling 101

EC2 Placement groups

EFS(Elastic File System)

Route 53

DNS 101

DNS = Convert Human Friendly domain names into IP addresses.

IP4 (32 bit), IP6 (128 bits) - created to address exhaustion of IP addresses in IP4 space

VPCs are now IP6 compatible.

Top level domains vs second level domains

Domain Registrars - assign domain names under one or more top level domain names.

Types of DNS Records -

  1. SOA Record 

  2. NS Record - AWS is now a Domain Registrar as well. 

  3. A Record - fundamental 

  4. CNAME - Canonical - resolve one domain name to another. Can’t use CNAME for Naked domains.

  5. ALIAS record - only on AWS - are used to map resource record sets in your hosted zone to ELBs, Cloud Front Distribution, or S3 buckets that are configured as websites. E.g. you can have DNS names which point to ELB domain names -w/o the need for changing IP when ELB Ip changes.  Route 53 automatically recognizes changes in the record sets. Most common usage- map naked domain name (zone apex) to ELB names. Always use Alias v/s CNAME as Alias has no charges. Answering CNAME queries has a cost on Route53

  6. AAAA Record – Ipv6

TTL - Cache the DNS record for TTL seconds. Before DNS migration, shorten the TTLs - so no more responses are cached. 

Hosted Zone

Collection of resource record sets. NS, SOA, CNAME, Alias etc. types of records for a particular domain.


Route53 Routing Policies

Most of the questions are scenario based.

  1. Simple - Default - when a single resource performs function for your domain - only one webserver serves content

  2. Weighted – send x% of traffic to site A and remainder (100 – x) % of it to site B. Need not be two different regions. Can be even two different ELBs. This split is over length of day not based on number of individual subsequent requests.

Weights – a number between 0 and 255. Route53 calculates auto %age

AWS Takes Global view of DNS – not local / ISP view.

A/B testing is perfect use case for Weighted Routing policy

  1. Latency – allows you to route traffic based on lowest network latency for your end user. To the region which gives fastest response time

Create record set for EC2 or ELB resource in each region that hosts website. When R53 receives a query it will then determine response based on lowest latency

How will the users get the best experience? – evaluated dynamically by R3.

  1. Failover – When you want to create an active /passive setup. DR site. R53 monitors health of site. If active fails then R53 routes traffic to passive site. Here you designate a primary and secondary endpoint for your hosted zone record.

  2. Geo-location – Choose where to route traffic based on geographic location of users.

Different from Latency based as the routing is hardwired irrespective of latency.

DNS Exam Tips

Naked domain – which doesn’t have the www in front of the domain e.g. isn’t

Databases on AWS

Databases 101




Document Oriented

Collection = Table, Document = Row, Keys-Value Pairs = Fields

Data Warehousing

OLTP (pulls out specific / narrow record set) vs OLAP – (pulls in large number of records). It used different architecture and infrastructure layer. Differ in terms of queries run on top of data. OLAP is more about aggregation.


In memory cache in cloud.

Exam – Improve database performance – e.g. top 10 deals of the day.

Database Migration Service

Migrate production database to AWS. AWS manages all complexities of migration process. Source database remains fully operational. Both homogenous (Oracle to Oracle) as well as heterogeneous migrations are supported (Oracle to Aurora or Microsoft SQL). Can also be used for continuous data replication with high availability

AWS Schema migration tool makes heterogeneous database - migrations - easy by automatically converting the source database schema and a majority of the custom code, including views, stored procedures, and functions, to a format compatible with the target database. Any code that cannot be automatically converted is clearly marked so that it can be manually converted.

RDS – Back Ups, Multi AZs & Read Replicas

OLTP systems.




Multi-AZ Deployment

Read Replica Databases.


  1. Eventual consistent reads - Consistency reached up to 1 second (default)

  2. Strongly Consistent reads - Consistency reached after writes to all copies are completed. <1 second

Select type based on application needs

RDS v/s DynamoDB


Petabyte scale DW solution in cloud. Used for OLAP – sum of various columns and joining the data.






Not Multi-AZs. Can restore snapshots

Exam Tips – Database warehousing service, cheap, faster. Best seller AWS Service. Speed achieved due to columnar storage. And Data stored sequentially on disk – hence faster.




Exam Tips



5 times better performance than MySQL. At a fraction of cost as compared to Oracle.


Fault Tolerance


No Free Tier usage available. Also available only in select regions. Takes slightly longer to provision

Exam Tips

If you want push button scaling, without any downtown, you will always want to use DynamoDB.

With RDS scaling is not so easy, you have to use a bigger instance or add read replicas (manual process).


Important section for all exams☺. You should be able to build out own VPCs from memory.


By default, how many VPCs am I allowed in each AWS Region? == 5

Typical Private IP address ranges – not publically routable.

VPC Diagram - Public and Private subnets VPC with Public and Private subnets

To use AWS Stencils download them at the AWS Simple Icons for Architecture Diagrams site

Default v/s Custom VPC

Custom VPC Info

NAT Instance & NAT Gateway

Network ACLs & Security Groups

|Security Group| Network ACL| |————-|————-| |Operates at the instance level (first layer of defense)| Operates at the subnet level (second layer of defense)| |Supports allow rules only| Supports allow rules and deny rules| |Is stateful: Return traffic is automatically allowed, regardless of any rules| Is stateless: Return traffic must be explicitly allowed by rules| |We evaluate all rules before deciding whether to allow traffic| We process rules in number order when deciding whether to allow traffic. Lower order rules take effect in case of conflict with higher order rules.| |Applies to an instance only if someone specifies the security group when launching the instance, or associates the security group with the instance later on| Automatically applies to all instances in the subnets it’s associated with (backup layer of defense, so you don’t have to rely on someone specifying the security group)|

Custom VPC & ELB

NAT & Bastion

VPC Flow Logs

Application Services

SQS – Simple Queue Service


Exam Tip - De-couple ➔ SQS

SWS – Simple Workflow Service

Trick Question – when to use SQS or SWS

Attribute SQS SWS
Retention 14 days 1 year
API Message Oriented Task Oriented
Assignment Might be assigned multiple times Only once
State Write code to implement tracking Keeps Track of State & Events

SWS Actors

  1. WF Starters – e-commerce application

  2. WF Deciders – Control flow of activity tasks.

  3. WF Activity workers – Carry out actual task

SNS – Simple Notification Service

EC2 instances pull SQS messages from a standard SQS queue on a FIFO (First In First out) basis. – False

Elastic Transcoder

API Gateway

Amazon Kinesis

The Real World – Creating a Fault Tolerant Word Press Site

This section needs additional information

Preparing for Exam – While Paper Reviews

Overview of Amazon Web Services

Overview of Security Processes

For IaaS - Customer manages OS and above including security and patches. E.g. with EC2, VPC, S3 – you are responsible for all security configuration and management. AWS manages hypervisor and below including physical infrastructure.

For SaaS – AWS manages everything except user credentials and account management. Recommended to have MFA access to these services, SSL/TLS access to these services and log all API/user usage using CloudTrail.

When storage device reaches EoL, AWS procedures include decommissioning process to prevent customer data from being exposed in the cloud.

All decommissioned magnetic storage devices are degaussed and physically destroyed.

Transmission Protection – Connect via http or https using SSL.

Additional security via VPC, use IPsec to provide encrypted tunnel between Amazon VPC and customer data center. You can also use Amazon Direct Connect or Gateway Services

Logically Amazon production network is segregated from Amazon Corporate network using security/segregation devices. [ network different from AWS network]

IP Spoofing – not possible. Each instance will send traffic with its own IP / MAC address.

No Man-in-Middle attacks due to Amazons control on host based firewalls

Unauthorized port scans are violation. You should request in advance and limit scan only to your instances.

Passwords, MFA, Access Keys, Key Pairs, X.509 certificates

CloudFront content can be secured by using X.509 certificates. E.g. you can secure access to a CloudFront video by sharing the link using X.509 certificates.

Inspects your AWS environment and makes recommendation to save money, improve performance, fault tolerant architecture or close security gaps.

Different instances running on the same physical machine are isolated from each other via the Xen Hypervisor. In addition AWS firewall sits between physical network interface and the instance’s virtual interface – all traffic must pass through this.

RAM Isolation also along similar lines.

Customer don’t have access to RAW disks – instead are presented with virtual disks.

Disk zeroing – all disk and memory allocated to a guest is scrubbed to 0 by the hypervisor upon de-allocation.

Encrypt Data at rest – AES 256. Encrypt EBS volumes and their snapshots. Encryption occurs on servers thus allowing for encryption between EC2 instances and EBS volumes.

To allow for efficiency, the EBS encryption feature is available only on EC2 powerful instances.

You can extend office network range into AWS VPC and connect to the VPC instances using Direct connect

Risk and Compliance Whitepaper

For IaaS - Customer manages OS and above including security and patches. AWS manages hypervisor and below including physical infrastructure.

For SaaS – AWS manages everything except user credentials.

Includes Risk identifications and controls to mitigate risks.

Business plan is re-evaluated at least bi-annually. Management identifies

SOC 1, SOC2, SOC3, PCI DSS Level 1 (for infra only). For Application (Delta Accreditation from QSA) required


Storage Options in the Cloud

Architecting for AWS Cloud - Best Practices

No upfront investment, just in time infrastructure, more efficient resource utilization, usage based billing, reduced time to market,

Scriptable Infrastructure, Auto Scaling, Proactive Scaling, Efficient Development Lifecycle, Improved Testability, Disaster Recovery and Business Connectivity, Overflow traffic into the cloud.

Be pessimistic and design for failure. Assume capacity will be impacted, software will fail, and VMs will crash

Loosely couple your applications such that failure of one doesn’t bring the whole system down. Loose coupling isolates the various layers and components of your application such that various components interact with each other asynchronously.

E.g. have SQS sitting between web server and application server and DB server.

Proactive Cycling Scaling – e.g. Month end load for payroll processing

Proactive Event Scaling – New product launches, Black Friday, marketing campaigns

Auto Scaling on Demand – use monitoring service to send triggers, to scale environment up or down, based on certain metrics.

Web Tier – port 80/443 open to world.

App Tier – only SSH port 22 for developers from your company IP range

DB – no access apart from App Tier

Exam Practicalities

Well Architected Framework

Framework developed by various SAs based on their experience with customers

It is a set of questions to check how well aligned is your architecture to best practices

4 Pillars of WAF

  1. Security

  2. Reliability

  3. Performance Efficiency

  4. Cost Optimization

Each Pillar has Design Principles, Definition, Best Practices, Key AWS Services these pillars apply to.

General Design Principles

  1. Stop guessing your capacity needs.

  2. Test systems at production scale – Use Cloud Formation and test in other regions

  3. Lower risk of architecture change.

  4. Automate to make architecture experimentation easier.

  5. Allow for evolutionary architectures. (E.g. Physical servers earlier you are stuck with it but now Cloud you can move to newer cloud features as soon as they are available.)

Design Principles

  1. Apply security at all layers.

    1. Not just edge firewalls. Apply it a subnet level , ACLs , which ports used on ELB, instances

    2. Run anti-virus on Windows instances

  2. Enables traceability

  3. Automate responses to security events – E.g. SNS notification for ssh

  4. Focus on securing your system.

  5. Automate security best practices. – Use hardened AMIs

  6. AWS Shared Responsibility Model – Customer responsible for data and OS. AWS responsible for security of underlying infrastructure & as a service offerings – RDS etc.

Security Areas

  1. Data protection
  2. Privilege management
  3. Infrastructure protection
  4. Detective controls

Best Practices

  1. Data protection

How are you encrypting data at rest and transit (SSL)? – ELB, EBS, S3, RDS

  1. Privilege management

How are you protecting access to and use of AWS root account credentials?

How are you defining roles and responsibilities of system users to control human access to AWS Console and APIs – e.g. Groups for system admins, group for HR and other departments?

How are you limiting automated access to AWS resources? – Application scripts, tools – by using roles

How are you managing keys and credentials?

  1. Infrastructure protection

How do you protect your data center – RFID controls, security, CCTV etc?

Infrastructure protection essentially exists at VPC level – Physical infra is managed by AWS

How are you enforcing network and host-level boundary protection? E.g. Jump host. Local down which ports can be used.

How are you enforcing AWS Service level protections? Are you using IAM?

How are you protecting integrity of operating system?

  1. Detective controls

Detect or identify a security breach

AWS Services which can help

How are you capturing and analyzing your AWS logs. CloudTrail is a regional service. Which 3rd party tools you are using for this analysis.

  1. Reliability / Fault Tolerance

Design Principles

Areas of Reliability

Best Practices

E.g. side of communication link between HQ and Data Center

AWS handles networking and compute resources. However, there are service limits to stop customers from overprovisioning. You can request increase

How are you managing AWS Service Limits?

How are you planning your network topology on AWS?

Do you have an escalation path to deal with technical issues?

Aware of how software changes affect environments.

With AWS use CloudWatch to monitor your environment. Traditional IT Change control is not required in cloud.

How system adapts to change in demand?

How you monitor AWS resources?

How you execute change management.

Architect systems assuming failure will occur.

How are you backup up data?

How does system withstand component failure?

How are you planning for recovery?

Key AWS Resources

  1. Performance Efficiency

Focuses on how to use computing requirements efficiently to meet business needs. How to manage efficiency as demand changes and technology evolves. Constantly question current architecture vis-a-vi current available services

Design Principles

Areas of Performance Efficiency

Best Practices

How do you select appropriate instance type?

How do you continue to use appropriate services / architectures with new instances types?

How do you monitor instances?

How to ensure quantity of instances matches demands?

Which storage solution to use depends on number of factors?

Access Method – Block, file or Object

Patterns of Access – Sequential or Random

Throughput Required

Frequency of Access – Online, offline or archival

Frequency of Update – Worm, Dynamic

Availability constrains

Durability constrains –

How do you use select appropriate storage solution?

How do you ensure that you have the most appropriate storage solutions with new instance types?

How do you monitor your storage solution to ensure performance?

Do you need consistency, HA, DR needs, No-SQL

How do you selected appropriate solution for system?

How do you ensure that you have the most appropriate database solutions with new solutions launched?

How do you monitor your database solution to ensure performance?

How do you ensure capacity matches demand?

How do you selected appropriate proximity and caching solution for system?

How do you ensure that you have the most appropriate proximity and caching solutions with new solutions launched?

How do you monitor your proximity and caching solution to ensure performance?

How do you ensure proximity and caching capacity matches demand?

Key AWS Resources

  1. Cost Optimization

Use cost to minimum and use the savings in other parts of business.

Design Principles

Areas for Cost Optimization

Best Practices

How do you ensure capacity matches and does not substantially exceed your need?

How do you optimize your usage of AWS resources?

Use the correct instance type. A well architected system will use the most cost efficient resources to reach the end business goal.

Have you selected appropriate resource type to match cost targets?

Have you selected the appropriate pricing model?

Are there managed services which can be used to improve ROI?

Siloed AWS Accounts in the same organization. Need to be aware which team is spending where. Also use 3rd party tools and tags. Billing alerts.

Consolidated billing

What access controls are in place to govern AWS costs?

How are you monitoring usage and spending?

How are you decommissioning resources you don’t need or stop that are temporarily not needed?

How do you consider data transfer changes?

AWS Constantly changing. What is good today might not be so good next time around when newer changes are released.

Subscribe to AWS Blog

Use AWS Trusted Advisor

How do you manage and/or consider adoption of new services

Key AWS Services

Additional Exam Tips

Side Note - Difference between Object Store (Files) and Block Store (DB). Dropbox uses S3 to store the actual data and metadata is stored in their own data centers.

AWS Exam Tips

  1. Kinesis - process large streams of data. To process data - Amazon Redshift and Elastic Map Reduce

  2. EBS Instance Store vs EC2 instance store - EBS - Block store, long term storage can be attached/detached to different EC2 instances. However, attached to only 1 instance at a time. Data on the EBS volume will persist even after the instance is stopped. EC2 instance store is ephemeral – can’t be attached to multiple EC2 instances.

  3. OpsWorks - Orchestration service that uses Chef - keywords Chef, Recipes, Cook Books. Infrastructure as Code

  4. Elastic Transcoder - Convert media files into formats for various formats optimized for devices on the cloud. Don’t need to guess settings for various devices. Pay for minutes you transcode and minutes you transcode.

  5. SWF Actors - workflow starters, deciders and activity workers.

  6. EC2 - get public ip - it’s in instance meta-data and not user data. Access link - wget or curl. User data is the shell script provided to the EC2 instance at startup. The user data is executed only once at boot time.

Consolidated billing

Cross Account Access.

Resource Groups / Tagging

VPC Peering

Direct Connect

Active Directory Integration


Q&A which I got incorrect.

  1. What does an AWS Region consist of? - A distinct location within a geographic area designed to provide high availability to a specific geography.

  2. Which AWS service is effectively a NAS in the cloud, allowing you to connect it to multiple EC2 instances at once? - EFS (Elastic File System). Note difference from EBS which is directly attached to an EC2 Instance. 

  3. You need a service that will aggregate your data from multiple data sources (S3, DynamoDB, RDS, etc.) and provide business intelligence based on this data. Which AWS service should you use? - Quick Sight

AWS Free Tier Usage

Free Services Options –

Only t2.micro instance is free tier eligible.

Hourly Usage in the Free Tier

Some services, such as Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, and Elastic Load Balancing, charge for usage on an hourly basis. The free tier for these services provides you with a monthly allotment of hours for the first 12 months. For example, the free tier for Amazon EC2 provides you with 750 hours usage of Linux (any combination of t2.micro and t1.micro instances), plus 750 hours usage of Windows (any combination of t2.micro and t1.micro instances). How you divide this allotment is up to you. For example, you can use one Linux instance continuously for a month, or 10 Linux instances for 75 hours a month.

In some cases, leaving your resources running maximizes your free tier benefits. For example, if you run an Amazon EC2 instance for only a portion of an hour, AWS counts that as an entire hour. Therefore, if you stop and start an Amazon EC2 instance three times in a single hour, you use up three hours of your monthly allotment.

Free Tier Eligible Amazon Machine Images

When you start an Amazon EC2 instance, you must select an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that is eligible for the free tier. Because of licensing restrictions, some AMIs are not eligible for the free tier.

AMIs that are eligible for the free tier are marked in the Amazon EC2 Launch Wizard as Free tier eligible. The free tier allotment for Linux and Microsoft Windows instances is counted separately; you can run 750 hours of a Linux t2.micro or t1.micro instance plus 750 hours of a Windows t2.micro or t1.micro instance each month for the first 12 months.

Third-party applications or services from AWS Marketplace are not eligible for the free tier.

FAQs of Services

US Standard Region is renamed to US East (Northern Virginia) to keep consistency with other AWS regional naming conventions.


Yes. You can do so by creating a DB snapshot of your existing DB instance, restoring from the DB snapshot to create a new DB instance, and then initiating a version upgrade for the new DB instance.

The automated backup feature of Amazon RDS enables point-in-time recovery of your DB instance. When automated backups are turned on for your DB Instance, Amazon RDS automatically performs a full daily snapshot of your data (during your preferred backup window) and captures transaction logs (as updates to your DB Instance are made). 

DB Snapshots are user-initiated and enable you to back up your DB instance in a known state as frequently as you wish, and then restore to that specific state at any time

If You Need Consider Using Product Type
A managed relational database in the cloud that you can launch in minutes with a just a few clicks. Amazon RDS Relational Database
A fully managed MySQL compatible relational database with 5X performance and enterprise level features. Amazon Aurora Relational Database
A managed NoSQL database that offers extremely fast performance, seamless scalability and reliability Amazon DynamoDB NoSQL Database
A fast, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse at less than a tenth the cost of traditional solutions. Amazon Redshift Data Warehouse
To deploy, operate, and scale in-memory cache based on Memcached or Redis in the cloud. Amazon ElastiCache In-Memory Cache
Help migrating your databases to AWS easily and inexpensively with zero downtime. AWS Database Migration Service Database Migration
To build flexible cloud-native directories for organizing hierarchies of data along multiple dimensions Amazon Cloud Directory Directory





FIFO queues provide exactly-once processing, which means that each message is delivered once and remains available until a consumer processes it and deletes it. Duplicates are not introduced into the FIFO queue.

MD5 of Body: a305cfffacad586f5a30573687e93b7b

MD5 of Message Attributes: caeec55758b361f94b3626437df44a32

Route 53

Q. What is the difference between a Domain and a Hosted Zone?

A domain is a general DNS concept. Domain names are easily recognizable names for numerically addressed Internet resources. For example, is a domain. A hosted zone is an Amazon Route 53 concept. A hosted zone is analogous to a traditional DNS zone file; it represents a collection of records that can be managed together, belonging to a single parent domain name. All resource record sets within a hosted zone must have the hosted zone’s domain name as a suffix. For example, the hosted zone may contain records named, and, but not a record named

Q. Does Amazon Route 53 use an anycast network?

Yes. Anycast is a networking and routing technology that helps your end users’ DNS queries get answered from the optimal Route 53 location given network conditions.

Each Amazon Route 53 account is limited to a maximum of 500 hosted zones and 10,000 resource record sets per hosted zone. 

R53 supports all the well-known DNS types.

Amazon Route 53 offers ‘Alias’ records (an Amazon Route 53-specific virtual record). Alias records are used to map resource record sets in your hosted zone to Amazon Elastic Load Balancing load balancers, Amazon CloudFront distributions, AWS Elastic Beanstalk environments, or Amazon S3 buckets that are configured as websites. Alias records work like a CNAME record in that you can map one DNS name ( to another ‘target’ DNS name ( They differ from a CNAME record in that they are not visible to resolvers. Resolvers only see the A record and the resulting IP address of the target record.

 Queries to Alias records that are mapped to ELB load balancers are free. These queries are listed as “Intra-AWS-DNS-Queries” on the Amazon Route 53 usage report

Amazon Route 53 Traffic Flow is an easy-to-use and cost-effective global traffic management service.

Private DNS is a Route 53 feature that lets you have authoritative DNS within your VPCs without exposing your DNS records (including the name of the resource and its IP address (es) to the Internet.

Q. Does Amazon Route 53 support wildcard entries? If so, what record types support them?

A. Yes. To make it even easier for you to configure DNS settings for your domain

Q. Will Private DNS work across AWS regions?

Yes. DNS answers will be available within every VPC that you associate with the private hosted zone. Note that you will need to ensure that the VPCs in each region have connectivity with each other in order for resources in one region to be able to reach resources in another region. 

Q. What happens if all of my endpoints are unhealthy?

Route 53 can only fail over to an endpoint that is healthy. If there are no healthy endpoints remaining in a resource record set, Route 53 will behave as if all health checks are passing.

You will be charged for the hosted zone that Route 53 creates for your domain name, as well as for the DNS queries against this hosted zone that Route 53 serves on your behalf.

Q. Can I configure DNS Failover based on internal health metrics, such as CPU load, network, or memory?

Yes. Amazon Route 53’s metric based health checks let you perform DNS failover based on any metric that is available within Amazon CloudWatch, including AWS-provided metrics and custom metrics from your own application.

Q. How can I use health checks to verify that my web server is returning the correct content?

You can use Route 53 health checks to check for the presence of a designated string in a server response by selecting the “Enable String Matching” option



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-Scaling Up to Your First 10 Million Users Scaling up to your first 10 million users

Technical Concepts

  1. Anycast v/s Multicast v/s Broadcast v/s Unicast

Multicast is like a broadcast that can cross subnets, but unlike broadcast does not touch all nodes. Nodes have to subscribe to a multicast group to receive information.

To use Anycast you advertise the same network in multiple spots of the Internet, and rely on shortest-path calculations to funnel clients to your multiple locations. As far the network nodes themselves are concerned, they’re using a unicast connection to talk to your anycasted nodes. Anycast is announcing the same network in different parts of the network, in order to decrease the network hops needed to get to that network.

  1. Shards

database shard is a horizontal partition of data in a database or search engine. Each individual partition is referred to as a shard or database shard. Each shard is held on a separate database server instance, to spread load.

  1. PV v/s HVM

HVM AMIs are presented with a fully virtualized set of hardware and boot by executing the master boot record of the root block device of your image. This virtualization type provides the ability to run an operating system directly on top of a virtual machine without any modification, as if it were run on the bare-metal hardware. The Amazon EC2 host system emulates some or all of the underlying hardware that is presented to the guest

Paravirtual guests can run on host hardware that does not have explicit support for virtualization, but they cannot take advantage of special hardware extensions such as enhanced networking or GPU processing. 

For the best performance, we recommend that you use current generation instance types and HVM AMIs when you launch your instances